Peaks of the Balkans – Backpacking through Albania, Montenegro, and Kosovo

When I moved to Europe in 2018 I ended up with some unexpected extra time on my hands before starting my job in Belgium. I eventually spent that time hiking around Romania, but not before reading about a trail called the Peaks of the Balkans. A ~190km loop trail through the rural mountains at theContinue reading “Peaks of the Balkans – Backpacking through Albania, Montenegro, and Kosovo”

Norway: Hiking, Camping, and Backpacking

(I finally got around to finishing off this trip report…) In August 2022 Bianca and I traveled to Norway for two weeks of hiking, camping, and backpacking. Instead of flying we drove from Antwerp to Eemshaven on the north coast of The Netherlands and there took an overnight cruise ship to land us in Kristiansand,Continue reading “Norway: Hiking, Camping, and Backpacking”