The southern Californian outdoor equipment store chain Adventure 16 posted a challenge: Hike any three 16+ mile sections of the Pacific Crest Trail between May 8 – October 15, 2015 to win cool prizes! So Matt, Kevin and I decided to do it in one weekend. Matt looked for a reasonably “easy” section, we didn’tContinue reading “51 Miles on the PCT, May 2015”
Monthly Archives: May 2015
Shorty’s Well to Telescope Peak, May 2015
This hike has been on my mind for a number of years. People have done it in various variations, but the version that has the hike start at Shorty’s Well and ending at Mahogany Flats was the most appealing to me for a first attempt. I also wanted to do it as a day hike,Continue reading “Shorty’s Well to Telescope Peak, May 2015”