Cerro La Cruz (El Arco) is the imposing lump of a mountain at the tip of Los Cabos and needed climbing.
The area is on private property and the trailhead is on the Mexican Naval Base, so it took a little investigation to figure out access. There is a guide, Enrico, who takes groups up the mountain at 800a each weekday, He has a kennel at the trailhead and the dogs (as many as 12) go on the hike. Enrico takes a donation at the end. He seemed to be some kind of Shaman and had to explain the “electricity” of the mountain. There is a hole on top that releases energy and he has an ancient breathing exercise you do when you lean into the hole. I did it and have no more evil spirits in my now.
The hike is steep and strenuous with the trail composed of large limestone rocks to step over and around. The dogs were the greatest hazard, getting in the way on some of the narrow ledges. On top there was Class 1-2 exposure trying to get to the breathing hole. But the views were fantastic, seeing where the Pacific meet the Sea of Cortez. (click on any slide for show)