After Snow Canyon and Zion we went to Bryce canyon. After the crowds at Zion we feared for the worst at Bryce, but it wasn’t nearly as crowded. In fact we had a lot of camp sites to choose from when we arrived in the late morning. Next we went to the visitor center for some info and then drove along the rim visiting most of the view points, starting from the end. At then end point we started getting our picnic out, including stove, etc. When a tour group guide of a bus tour of older folks saw us he asked us if we were interested in speeding things up. Turns out they had a bunch of their lunch bags left and we got to enjoy those sandwiches, chips, cookies and apples. On the way back to camp we stopped at the lodge store for some fire wood. Since thunderstorms were in the air we again decided against setting up the tents just yet and went to another view point to hang out a little. After that we drove out of the park for a quick resupply at Ruby’s and that’s when another torrential down pour hit us. We waited it out in the store and then got back to camp with enough light left to set up and cook dinner. After dinner it was time for S’mores.
The next morning we got up early to witness the sunrise at the rim and after breakfast we hiked the 8 mile long Fairyland loop that took us down into the canyon among the formations. It was quite warm and we were glad to have packed plenty of water.
From Bryce we continued to the Kanab our gateway for the Grand Canyon North Rim. To the kids delight the campground had a pool and to end a great day camp pizza was served.